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Checkboxes are used for a list of options where the user may select multiple options, including all or none.


  • The checkbox has role checkbox.
  • The checkbox has an accessible label provided by one of the following:
    • Visible text content contained within the element with role checkbox.
    • A visible label referenced by the value of aria-labelledby set on the element with role checkbox.
    • aria-label set on the element with role checkbox.
  • When checked, the checkbox element has state aria-checked set to true. When not checked, it has state aria-checked set to false. When partially checked, it has state aria-checked set to mixed.
  • If a set of checkboxes is presented as a logical group with a visible label, the checkboxes are included in an element with role group that has the property aria-labelledby set to the ID of the element containing the label.
  • If the presentation includes additional descriptive static text relevant to a checkbox or checkbox group, the checkbox or checkbox group has the property aria-describedby set to the ID of the element containing the description.
  • Use fieldset to create a checkbox group.
  • When the checkbox has focus, pressing the “Space” key changes the state of the checkbox.
Last updated November 28, 2022.