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Radio Buttons

Radio buttons are used when options are mutually exclusive.


Radio buttons are used to afford a single selection from two or more options.


Use when

  • Options are mutually exclusive.
  • Visibility and quick response is a priority.
  • Comparison of options needs to be clear.
  • You want to emphasize options.

Don’t use when

  • User can make multiple selections. Instead, use Checkboxes.
  • You are providing more than 7 options.
  • You are attempting to highlight a preferred choice. Instead, use a Dropdown.
  • When a large number of familiar options is available.
What's changed
Date Version Notes Contributors
11/23/2020 1.0.0 Border color changed to be accessible. White background added for emphasis. E. Bohn, L. Kause, N. Springer
Last updated November 14, 2023.